
The recent surge in Digital Transformation has made organizations reconsider their IT strategy and roadmap. The disruptions has started becoming frequent and continuing business by staying resilient to them has been the new priority. We have observed during the year 2020 during the Pandemic of COVID-19, strategies that were defined in the beginning of the year held no relevance by mid of the year. The priorities suddenly changed and  focus started  shifting from regular projects to digitalization, remote working, cyber security etc. 

We at Konvexe with our team’s joint experience of more than 25 years believed in the old phase : ” change is the only constant”. We framed a model which will help customers to stay agile throughout the period of our engagement and keep adapting to the disruptions with ease and continue business. 

With our consulting approach we do a gap analysis and provide a digital report card to our customers and help them identify their position compared to their industry peers locally and globally. We understand that a paradigm shift in the technology landscape to match with the industry standards is not possible and it happens over a period of time. We have a long term OPEX modelled engagement strategy where help customers to not only to shift towards digitals adoption but also provide continuous support in maintaining their existing application environment.

Managed Operation and Digital Transformation

Other that our one time consulting approach, we provide an operational model where we engage with our customers for a longer period of time.

Continuous Consulting: With our CONTINUOUS CONSULTING APPROACH, we act as their inhouse consultants and help them continuously to improve their digital strategy. This helps them to mitigate any sort of disruption with ease. During this engagement we also independently evaluate any new intervention that they identify as a part of their digital strategy and provide reports on its sustainability and alignment with the business objectives. We also provide leak detection strategy which identifies possible data and information leak points during any new intervention.


Program Governance: Once the interventions are identified and implemented, we provide our governance services to ensure all the necessary standards and deadlines are met. This holds true for interventions implemented by us or any third party. We will provide regular report cards to the customer on the progress and its alignment with the business goals.

Execution: The identified interventions during the consulting phases will be bucketed into two segments: Short Term and Long Term. Short term interventions are meant to satisfy immediate business objectives which keeps coming on a regular basis. This happens on a any dynamic business environment. 

Long term interventions are aligned with the goals and objectives that an organization wants to achieve in a long term to improve net new revenue, improve branding and positioning and increase operational efficiency. These interventions are again governed and monitored based on industry standards.

Delivery Model: Our onsite and offsite delivery model helps customer to optimise cost.

Engagement Model: This is a OPEX based engagement approach for a minimum period of 6 months to 3 years where we have set deliverables based on business objectives.