Enterprise Open Source Platform

Looking at the versatility of businesses today, we have identified an open source platform which adopts itself to an organization’s growth and becomes a catalyst to it. This Open Source platform helps create a digital roadmap for organizations and take a phased approach to implement. The platform addresses every aspect of an organization and helps integrating various departmental operations under one umbrella. The tool is specifically helpful for digital transformation for small and medium businesses who are cost conscious but still aspires to grow.

Advantage Openness 

The Enterprise Open Source Platform addresses all the operational and business aspects of an organization which includes:

  • Sales and Distribution

  • Finance

  • Procurement

  • Inventory

  • Warehouse 

  • Human Resource

  • Project Management

Its modular approach helps organizations to adopt modules as when their business demands.

Application Modernization

Many organizations today are not able to take the initial steps for digital transformation because of their legacy applications. Their roadmap for digital transformation is getting blocked by these applications. These legacy applications have become integral part of these organizations and completely discarding them is near to impossible.

The only solution for these situations are application modernization. Re-engineering the existing application with new technology helps organizations to remove this roadblock for their digital transformation.

It needs a great deal of analysis to create an application modernization strategy. These legacy applications carry huge amount of historical data which often stands out to be crucial. Application Modernization roadmaps should be very carefully drafted which addresses all the features that the application is supposed to have in future and without affecting the historical data.


Our Approach for Application Modernization

Our approach for application modernization involves a four step mechanism. We ensure that this process is handled carefully and provides maximum return on the effort invested. 


AS-IS Study: This step involves doing a detailed study of the legacy application. The parameters studied in this phase are the feasibility of the application to get re-engineered, features and functionalities needed for future, integration expectations, technology feasibility and business objectives. We will also provide a detailed ROI report to justify the budget and effort required for the exercise.


Modernization of Language:  With various automation tools we convert old legacy languages to modern cloud ready language. This will help scaling up the application in future with any bottleneck.

UI/UX revamp: Modern applications are expected to have a user friendly UI. Most of the legacy application lack in the same and we will create a strategy to upgrade the UI/UX of the modernized application


Database structure upgradation: Structural change in the database is an important aspect while doing application modernization. We help to identify the identify the obsolete constructs, optimize tables and prepare it fr scalability. 

Cloud Ready: Cloud Computing gives us enormous opportunities to upgrade our application environment. With technologies like containerization and kubernetes applications can be packaged and made to run on-cloud and on-premises with consistency. We also help our customers to create a robust cloud migration strategy for their desired work loads.